About KJ
About KJ
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun is an Orthodox synagogue, founded in 1872, and situated on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
As its essential foundation, it seeks to foster among its membership a love of God and an abiding commitment to halakhah and mitzvot. The synagogue also stands firmly for the proposition that it is a part of a larger community: a community not only of the Jewish People and the State of Israel, but also of our fellow New Yorkers, Americans, and humankind.
Our members see themselves as integral parts of a modern secular society, with social and civic responsibilities. At the same time, we remain deeply committed to our religious traditions, the study of Torah, the observance of mitzvot, the love of and support for our fellow Jews, and an unbreakable bond with the State of Israel and its citizens.
Our efforts to cultivate values are reflected in our education and outreach programs, our social and political action projects, our youth activities, and in our sponsorship of the Ramaz School. Founded in 1937 by Rabbi Joseph Lookstein, of blessed memory, Ramaz now has a student population of over 1,100 students, into each of whom we strive to instill these same values. These principles represent not merely the theoretical elements of a philosophical creed, but also reflect an impetus for social action, embodied in a wide range of activities serving KJ members, the State of Israel, unaffiliated Jews, and greater society.
KJ’s extremely ambitious and dynamic programs require commitment from KJ members as well as from the Synagogue’s professional staff. It is precisely this type of communal dedication and involvement that defines the congregation’s understanding of its role in the lives of its members and the community at large.
For Membership Directory click here.
Rabbi Joseph Lookstein as Chairman of the Chaplaincy Commission of JWB visits General Eisenhower. |
Previous & Current KJ Presidents, David Lobel & Jonathan Wagner, at the 150th KJ Annual Meeting. |
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785
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Today's Calendar
: 7:10AM |
: 9:00AM |
: 9:30AM |
: 10:00AM |
: 5:00PM |
: 5:00PM |
End of Shabbat : 6:08PM |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 22 |
Feb 23 RALLY - 500 Days in Hell Sunday, Feb 23 12:00PM |
Feb 25 Arab Voices for Israel Tuesday, Feb 25 7:30PM |
Feb 28 Shabbaton with Rabbanit Michelle Cohen Farber Friday, Feb 28 5:00PM |
Mar 1 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |