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Norman Z"l and Tova Bulow Shabbaton

Friday night Shabbat services are at 6:00 pm in the Main Sanctuary, 125 East 85 Street. Sephardic Services are at 5:50 pm in the Rohr Chapel. The FOREMOST dinner begins promptly at 7:00 pm in the Heyman Auditorium. Rabbi Shlomo Brody of Ematai, will speak around 8:45 pm in the Main Sanctuary on "Reciting Yizkor with Bombs in the Air: Reflections on Meaning from Mortality & Minhagim.” Professional babysitting is provided throughout dinner and the presentation. All are welcome to KJ for Rabbi Brody's post-dinner presentation.


Tables seat up to 12 Shabbaton guests. If you want to make sure that you and your friends are all at the same table, then become what we call a TABLE CAPTAIN. Its very simple: you buy the whole table, and your friends pay you back. Click here for instructions. 


See here for Rabbi Brody's speaking schedule over the entire Bulow Shabbaton.


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Fri, May 10 2024 2 Iyyar 5784