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Shabbat Community Dinner

Fri / Jul 12 / 6:45 pm Evening Services

8:00 pm - Community Dinner featuring students from Israeli Universities participating in the Academic Bridge Scholarship. Connect with Fellows, share in meaningful conversations, and learn from them and their unique experiences. 


9:00 pm -  “Crossing Bridges: Israelis and Americans on (Un)common Ground” Moderated by Meta Dagan, Program Director of the Academic Bridge Fellowship 


COST $50 adult / $15 child RSVP Here

LOCATION 125 East 85th Street

Scholar in Residence - Rabbi Yonatan Udren

Shabbat Shelach / June 29

Featuring - Rabbi Yonatan Udren, co-director of the RRG Beit Midrash at Hebrew University. 


Morning Services & Sermon

9:00 am -  “On Faith and the Precious Vision of Calev and Rabbi Akiva”


Afternoon Shiur

7:05 pm - “When To Stand Strong, and When to Bend: Rabbi Elazar, a Very Ugly Man, and the Challenge of Jewish Sovereignty”


Seudah Shlishit followed by Evening Services

8:05 pm - “The Rebbe Who Loved Machloket: Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Embrace of Dispute”

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784